Emergency care packages assembled by The Apple Tree Hub students

Community Spirit!

Emergency Care Packages –

The kids at The Apple Tree Learning Hub applied for a Community Grant from Lend Lease and were given $1000 to put together ‘Emergency Care Packages’ for the Women’s Centre here in Townsville.  The children at The Apple Tree Learning Centre helped to decide, what necessities should go into each Emergency Kit. As a collective group they decided on the items to be included, costed the items, purchased all items, assembled each care package and then delivered to the Women’s Shelter. Twenty care packages were delivered to the Women’s Shelter. We are very proud of the way our kids embraced this community-based event and how much time and effort they put into making the kits practical, essential and how they really thought about how to help the families in need. They learnt valuable lessons in teamwork, resilience, communication, budgeting, community spirit, selflessness and the gift of giving. We look forward to creating more community events that really do help make a difference.

Thank you to The Women’s Center for working in partnership with us to deliver such important items to those in need. Thank you to Lend Lease for making it all possible and giving back to the community.

How to contact us!

If you would like more information about how The Apple Tree Learning Hub has helped numerous other families on their home-school journey, please use the link below. Fill out the contact form and one of our directors will be in touch. You can also contact us through our Facebook page here: