STEM Challenge

STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Children were given a creative building challenge to complete their STEM Activity. They were asked to design and build a bridge to hold as much weight as possible. Materials they used included sticky tape, marshmallows, fondant, straws and spaghetti. 

The children reinforced the straws with spaghetti inside. By creating layers within the spaghetti and additionally using angles to strengthen their designs, the structures were able to hold more weight.

The STEM program allows children to think outside the box to solve problems. Their designs were amazing!! Our belief is that every child can learn. Hence understanding how children develop their style of learning is critical to the success of each child.

A child’s learning occurs naturally. Through investigation and curiosity with one thought leading to several, we believe it is our job to nurture that curiosity. Furthermore, we hope to provide the steppingstones for each child to reach their personal goals.

If you would like more information about how The Apple Tree Learning Hub has helped numerous other families on their home-school journey, please use the link below. Fill out the contact form and one of our directors will be in touch. You can also contact us through our Facebook page here:

Stem Learning Activity
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” Martin Luther King Jnr